Alexander Moisseev
2016-05-19 06:16:25 UTC
That looks like 3.x, while rsync-bpc and backuppc-xs are 4.x. Maybe we should have backuppc3 for 3.x, and backuppc is 4.x?
No, it will break workflow. We definitely should keep both as branches of the same project backuppc/backuppc.IMHO we should keep rsync-bpc and backuppc-xs as separate projects (at least for now).
We can change branch names as Craig suggested (but IMHO it is questionable), but we should do it ASAP. Renaming a branch is a merely one command, but it is really deleting a branch, followed by pushing a new one with a new name. So it has implications. For example, if you have opened pull requests for the branch, the pull requests will be removed.
What should be done ASAP:
1. Finally choose branching model and branch names.
2. Import 4.x CVS code (if it exists).
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