[BackupPC-devel] rsync 3.0.x with Windows VSS-support
Leen Besselink
2009-06-03 20:04:43 UTC
Hi Folks,

Recently I took the patch Elias Penttilä wrote and 'forward-ported' it to rsync 3.

For people who don't know what it does, it implements backup of open files on Windows with rsync.

Because I think rsync 3 is more efficient and more current in comparison to rsync 2, it uses
an incremental filelisting system to try and be more efficient. Especially memory-wise.

I made a small readme-page with information about what I've done so far and the status/limitations/binaries:


As most people, I'm a bit strapped for time and thus I like to prioritize the kind of
features/fixes/other changes that I need/peole want.

I'm contacting you folks to have a look, because I hope to get some feedback on what people need.

My hope is to get something that works so well to have it included it in the cwrsync=installer:


Their seems to be some interest from the cwrsync maintainer to possible include it.

Have a nice day,
Leen Besselink.
Tino Schwarze
2009-06-04 09:50:35 UTC
Hi Leen,
Post by Leen Besselink
Recently I took the patch Elias Penttilä wrote and 'forward-ported' it to rsync 3.
For people who don't know what it does, it implements backup of open files on Windows with rsync.
Because I think rsync 3 is more efficient and more current in comparison to rsync 2, it uses
an incremental filelisting system to try and be more efficient. Especially memory-wise.
Note that you won't gain anything with BackupPC because BackupPC uses
it's own implementation of the rsync protocol which does not yet support

"What we nourish flourishes." - "Was wir nähren erblüht."

Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
2009-06-04 12:27:46 UTC
Post by Tino Schwarze
Hi Leen,
Post by Leen Besselink
Recently I took the patch Elias Penttilä wrote and 'forward-ported' it to rsync 3.
For people who don't know what it does, it implements backup of open files on Windows with rsync.
Because I think rsync 3 is more efficient and more current in comparison to rsync 2, it uses
an incremental filelisting system to try and be more efficient. Especially memory-wise.
Note that you won't gain anything with BackupPC because BackupPC uses
it's own implementation of the rsync protocol which does not yet support
I don't believe this is fully true. Now indeed BackupPC doesn't use
the latest protocol=30 which is due to the fixed protocol limitations
of perl-File-RsyncP-0.68-2.fc8.1.i386.rpm. However, I believe that the
memory-saving features are independent of the protocol and hence still
shine through.. (I may be wrong, so correct me if so)
Leen Besselink
2009-06-04 23:29:46 UTC
Post by Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
Post by Tino Schwarze
Hi Leen,
Post by Leen Besselink
Recently I took the patch Elias Penttilä wrote and 'forward-ported' it to rsync 3.
For people who don't know what it does, it implements backup of open files on Windows with rsync.
Because I think rsync 3 is more efficient and more current in comparison to rsync 2, it uses
an incremental filelisting system to try and be more efficient. Especially memory-wise.
Note that you won't gain anything with BackupPC because BackupPC uses
it's own implementation of the rsync protocol which does not yet support

Ahh, I see, hmm, well, euh...
Post by Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
I don't believe this is fully true. Now indeed BackupPC doesn't use
the latest protocol=30 which is due to the fixed protocol limitations
of perl-File-RsyncP-0.68-2.fc8.1.i386.rpm. However, I believe that the
memory-saving features are independent of the protocol and hence still
shine through.. (I may be wrong, so correct me if so)
I took a large filetree and tested a bit and it looks like you might be
Leen Besselink
2009-06-04 23:07:14 UTC
Post by Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
Post by Tino Schwarze
Hi Leen,
Post by Leen Besselink
Recently I took the patch Elias Penttilä wrote and 'forward-ported' it to rsync 3.
For people who don't know what it does, it implements backup of open files on Windows with rsync.
Because I think rsync 3 is more efficient and more current in comparison to rsync 2, it uses
an incremental filelisting system to try and be more efficient. Especially memory-wise.
Note that you won't gain anything with BackupPC because BackupPC uses
it's own implementation of the rsync protocol which does not yet support

Ahh, I see, hmm, well, euh...
Post by Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
I don't believe this is fully true. Now indeed BackupPC doesn't use
the latest protocol=30 which is due to the fixed protocol limitations
of perl-File-RsyncP-0.68-2.fc8.1.i386.rpm. However, I believe that the
memory-saving features are independent of the protocol and hence still
shine through.. (I may be wrong, so correct me if so)
I took a large filetree and tested a bit and it looks like you might be
