[BackupPC-devel] 4.0.0.alpha2: restore of v3-style incremental backups failing
Denis Jedig
2013-11-23 08:37:38 UTC
Hi all,

the restore routine for a v3-style unfilled incremental backup
seems to be buggy. Files which are only present in the last full
are not being transferred, and messages like this appear in the

bpc_fileReadAll: can't open
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/test/572/f%2f/finitrd.img (from initrd.img)
file has vanished: "/initrd.img"

I only have tested the "rsync" restore method, not sure if this
will affect others (tar or zip) as well. This might be related to
what Steve Palm has reported before:


Craig Barratt
2013-11-23 18:51:27 UTC

Are you restoring from a single incremental (eg: level 1), that follows a
full? Or are there multiple levels of incrementals?

Is #572 the full or incremental? Can you send me your backups file for
this host?

Can you also check tar? Just select some of the files that fail, and try
to create a tar file and see if the files are correctly included.

Post by Denis Jedig
Hi all,
the restore routine for a v3-style unfilled incremental backup
seems to be buggy. Files which are only present in the last full
are not being transferred, and messages like this appear in the
bpc_fileReadAll: can't open
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/test/572/f%2f/finitrd.img (from initrd.img)
file has vanished: "/initrd.img"
I only have tested the "rsync" restore method, not sure if this
will affect others (tar or zip) as well. This might be related to
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Denis Jedig
2013-11-24 19:34:10 UTC
Craig, glad you still find the time to post to the list.
Post by Craig Barratt
Are you restoring from a single incremental (eg: level 1), that
follows a full? Or are there multiple levels of incrementals?
The #572 is a level 5 incremental. This is what the backup file
Post by Craig Barratt
567 full 1384712108 1384717431 59703
8044115497 59669 3462616228 73 4581517026 0
0 0 0 0 3462616228
4581517085 0 1 rsync 0 3.2.1
568 incr 1384799127 1384801276 141
3136400448 112 1302847633 49 1833561953 0
0 0 0 0 1302847633
1833561953 1 1 rsync 1 3.2.1
569 incr 1384883125 1384886656 136
4677297211 113 1243401543 41 3433904279 0
0 0 0 0 1243401543
3433904285 1 1 rsync 2 3.2.1
570 incr 1384971332 1384974898 137
5377245806 112 1211658863 44 4165595724 0
0 0 0 0 1211658863
4165595724 1 1 rsync 3 3.2.1
571 incr 1385056607 1385060733 129
6054648610 111 1240628169 34 4814026889 0
0 0 0 0 1240628169
4814026889 1 1 rsync 4 3.2.1
572 incr 1385143980 1385151056 129
6574977739 111 1246578137 33 5328406026 0
0 0 0 0 1246578137
5328406026 1 1 rsync 5 3.2.1
Can you also check tar? Just select some of the files that
fail, and try to create a tar file and see if the files are
correctly included.
I've tried a zip or tar download - the .zip/.gtar files returned
are 0-sized, it seems like it is the same bug.

Kind regards,

Craig Barratt
2013-11-24 19:38:21 UTC

Thanks. I've replicated the rsync V3 incremental restore bug (file
vanished), and it is fixed.

However, I haven't been able to replicate the empty tar and zip files
reported by you and Steve. Are you selecting only files that appear in the
V3 full and not V3 incremental? Or the other way around? Or are you
selecting a directory?

Post by Denis Jedig
Craig, glad you still find the time to post to the list.
Post by Craig Barratt
Are you restoring from a single incremental (eg: level 1), that
follows a full? Or are there multiple levels of incrementals?
The #572 is a level 5 incremental. This is what the backup file
Post by Craig Barratt
567 full 1384712108 1384717431 59703
8044115497 59669 3462616228 73 4581517026 0
0 0 0 0 3462616228
4581517085 0 1 rsync 0 3.2.1
568 incr 1384799127 1384801276 141
3136400448 112 1302847633 49 1833561953 0
0 0 0 0 1302847633
1833561953 1 1 rsync 1 3.2.1
569 incr 1384883125 1384886656 136
4677297211 113 1243401543 41 3433904279 0
0 0 0 0 1243401543
3433904285 1 1 rsync 2 3.2.1
570 incr 1384971332 1384974898 137
5377245806 112 1211658863 44 4165595724 0
0 0 0 0 1211658863
4165595724 1 1 rsync 3 3.2.1
571 incr 1385056607 1385060733 129
6054648610 111 1240628169 34 4814026889 0
0 0 0 0 1240628169
4814026889 1 1 rsync 4 3.2.1
572 incr 1385143980 1385151056 129
6574977739 111 1246578137 33 5328406026 0
0 0 0 0 1246578137
5328406026 1 1 rsync 5 3.2.1
Can you also check tar? Just select some of the files that
fail, and try to create a tar file and see if the files are
correctly included.
I've tried a zip or tar download - the .zip/.gtar files returned
are 0-sized, it seems like it is the same bug.
Kind regards,
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Denis Jedig
2013-11-24 19:51:14 UTC
Post by Craig Barratt
However, I haven't been able to replicate the empty tar and zip
files reported by you and Steve. Are you selecting only files
that appear in the V3 full and not V3 incremental? Or the
other way around? Or are you selecting a directory?
As I hardly ever use .zip and .tar restores, I just
double-checked that - it returns 0-sized files in either case.
The files are 0-sized even when I try restoring an old v3 full
(#567 from the same set) or a newly created v4-style full (#574
which I have taken yesterday).

