[BackupPC-devel] Bug: restore changes / permissions
Ludovic Drolez
2013-01-03 15:51:35 UTC
Hi !

You'll find an interesting bug reported on the Debian BTS:

So starting a direct restore of /home/daniel changed permissions and
ownership on / to 700 daniel:daniel instead of 755 root:root.
It seems to be related to the way tar files are created.
Do you know if there's an easy way to fix this?

BR and best wishes,
Ludovic Drolez.

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Tyler J. Wagner
2013-01-04 09:22:45 UTC
Post by Ludovic Drolez
So starting a direct restore of /home/daniel changed permissions and
ownership on / to 700 daniel:daniel instead of 755 root:root.
It seems to be related to the way tar files are created.
Do you know if there's an easy way to fix this?
Please provide more information about the backup and restore performed. Was
the backup made using the tar method? Was the restore using tar? Using the
web interface, or CLI, and if so, using what options specifically?

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-- Evelyn Beatrice Hall