[BackupPC-devel] 4.0.0alpha3: data stream (code 12) at io.c(629)
Ruben Vermeersch
2014-03-06 11:18:18 UTC
Hi all,

I'm currently testing v4 and I'm getting a lot of these on large hosts
(half a million files, roughly):

2014-03-02 11:16:01 Created directory /volume1/Backups/pc/osaka
2014-03-02 11:16:01 full backup started for directory /Users/ruben/
2014-03-02 11:53:14 Got fatal error during xfer (rsync error: error in
rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(629) [generator=])
2014-03-02 11:53:19 Backup aborted (rsync error: error in rsync
protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(629) [generator=])

V4 isn't capable of doing a successful backup here. Does anyone have some
suggestions on how I go about to debug this? Can I start the xfer process
stand-alone and attach gdb to it? Or is the problem somewhere else?
Denis Jedig
2014-04-30 07:14:03 UTC
Post by Ruben Vermeersch
I'm currently testing v4 and I'm getting a lot of these on
2014-03-02 11:16:01 Created directory /volume1/Backups/pc/osaka <>/refCnt
2014-03-02 11:16:01 full backup started for directory /Users/ruben/
2014-03-02 11:53:14 Got fatal error during xfer (rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(629) [generator=])
2014-03-02 11:53:19 Backup aborted (rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(629) [generator=])
I have seen something similar when backing up Windows hosts. The
backup process aborted with
Post by Ruben Vermeersch
rsync_bpc: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 8 bytes to
message fd [receiver]: Broken pipe (32)
Done: 234 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0
filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal, 104 filesNew, 688129448 sizeNew,
688129448 sizeNewComp, 137197 inode
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
io.c(1556) [receiver=]
rsync_bpc exited with fatal status 0 (139) (rsync error: error
in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(1556)
Xfer PIDs are now
Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share vDrive)
Backup aborted (No files dumped for share vDrive)
And the sender side is logging
Post by Ruben Vermeersch
2014/04/29 14:34:25 [1532] rsync: read error: Connection reset
by peer (104)
2014/04/29 14:34:25 [1532] rsync error: error in rsync protocol
data stream (code 12) at
this is when backing up a moderately sized volume (40 GB) with
~80.000 files. I could trace it back to a set of files which
seemed to trigger the issue. Excluding the directory in question
from my backup configuration helped the backup run to complete. I
did not do any further testing though, so the cause for the
failures is still unknown, but it might be worth checking if your
backups abort on the transmission of a specific directory or file.


