Mertz, Jean
2014-03-04 14:39:06 UTC
Iâve been setting up a fresh BackupPC instance for our companyâs servers.
While we have other backup strategies, we like BackupPC for some vital
(config) files that might change over time, so we can easily track and
revert changes (as opposed to using something like Git in each directory).
We have had an older version of BackupPC running, but removed it a while
back and just recently started setting up a v4 instance. Everything is set
up and running (manually), but BackupPC still wonât start a proper backup.
For testing, we actually let BackupPC ssh into its own machine to backup
âitselfâ. This doesnât work however.
Here is the command we used (generated by all the different configuration
variables, ip-address redacted):
/usr/local/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir /mnt/backuppc/backups
--bpc-host-name <ip-address> --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 0
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1
--bpc-bkup-inode0 1 --bpc-log-level 2 -e '/usr/bin/ssh -o
UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/id_rsa -l backupper' --rsync-path="sudo
/usr/bin/rsync" --super --recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids
--perms --owner --group -D --times --links --hard-links --delete
--partial --log-format="log: %o %i %B %8U,%8G %9l %f%L" --stats
--checksum --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys
--exclude=*.pem --exclude=id_rsa --exclude=.bash_history
--exclude=/var/logs --exclude=/usr/src --exclude=/opt/chef
<ip-address>:/ /
And here is the output we get in the XferLOG:
Contents of file /mnt/backuppc/backups/pc/<ip-address>/XferLOG.bad.z,
modified 2014-03-04 13:38:39
XferLOG file /mnt/backuppc/backups/pc/<ip-address>/XferLOG.0.z created
2014-03-04 13:38:32
Backup prep: type = full, case = 1, inPlace = 1, doDuplicate = 0,
newBkupNum = 0, newBkupIdx = 0, lastBkupNum = , lastBkupIdx =
(FillCycle = 7, noFillCnt = )
Running: /usr/local/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir /mnt/backuppc/backups
--bpc-host-name <ip-address> --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 0
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1
--bpc-bkup-inode0 1 --bpc-log-level 2 -e '/usr/bin/ssh -o
UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/id_rsa -l backupper' --rsync-path="sudo
/usr/bin/rsync" --super --recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids
--perms --owner --group -D --times --links --hard-links --delete
--partial --log-format="log: %o %i %B %8U,%8G %9l %f%L" --stats
--checksum --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys
--exclude=*.pem --exclude=id_rsa --exclude=.bash_history
--exclude=/var/logs --exclude=/usr/src --exclude=/opt/chef
<ip-address>:/ /
full backup started for directory /
Xfer PIDs are now 30878
This is the rsync child about to exec /usr/local/bin/rsync_bpc
rsync_bpc: Failed to exec /usr/bin/ssh -o
UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/id_rsa -l backupper: No such file or directory
Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0
filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 1 inode
rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at pipe.c(84) [Receiver=]
rsync_bpc: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0
filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 1 inode
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
io.c(629) [Receiver=]
rsync_bpc exited with fatal status 12 (3072) (rsync error: error in
rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(629) [Receiver=])
Xfer PIDs are now
Got fatal error during xfer (DumpPostUserCmd returned error status 3072)
Backup aborted (DumpPostUserCmd returned error status 3072)
BackupFailCleanup: nFilesTotal = 0, type = full, BackupCase = 1,
inPlace = 1, lastBkupNum =
Removing empty backup #0
BackupPC_backupDelete: removing #0
BackupPC_backupDelete: No prior backup for merge
BackupPC_backupDelete: got 0 errors
Running BackupPC_refCountUpdate -h <ip-address> -f on <ip-address>
xferPids 30885
BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host <ip-address> got 0 errors
BackupPC_refCountPrint: total errors: 0
Finished BackupPC_refCountUpdate (running time: 1 sec)
However, if we run the command manually (from the backuppc user) it starts
successfully (ie. files are being transferred from the client).
Also, whatâs weird is that the error log states the
DumpPostUserCmdreturned an error, while all pre- and post actions are
undef at the moment (see backuppc02 screenshot, they are also not defined
Here are some screenshots of the clientâs configuration:
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
While we have other backup strategies, we like BackupPC for some vital
(config) files that might change over time, so we can easily track and
revert changes (as opposed to using something like Git in each directory).
We have had an older version of BackupPC running, but removed it a while
back and just recently started setting up a v4 instance. Everything is set
up and running (manually), but BackupPC still wonât start a proper backup.
For testing, we actually let BackupPC ssh into its own machine to backup
âitselfâ. This doesnât work however.
Here is the command we used (generated by all the different configuration
variables, ip-address redacted):
/usr/local/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir /mnt/backuppc/backups
--bpc-host-name <ip-address> --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 0
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1
--bpc-bkup-inode0 1 --bpc-log-level 2 -e '/usr/bin/ssh -o
UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/id_rsa -l backupper' --rsync-path="sudo
/usr/bin/rsync" --super --recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids
--perms --owner --group -D --times --links --hard-links --delete
--partial --log-format="log: %o %i %B %8U,%8G %9l %f%L" --stats
--checksum --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys
--exclude=*.pem --exclude=id_rsa --exclude=.bash_history
--exclude=/var/logs --exclude=/usr/src --exclude=/opt/chef
<ip-address>:/ /
And here is the output we get in the XferLOG:
Contents of file /mnt/backuppc/backups/pc/<ip-address>/XferLOG.bad.z,
modified 2014-03-04 13:38:39
XferLOG file /mnt/backuppc/backups/pc/<ip-address>/XferLOG.0.z created
2014-03-04 13:38:32
Backup prep: type = full, case = 1, inPlace = 1, doDuplicate = 0,
newBkupNum = 0, newBkupIdx = 0, lastBkupNum = , lastBkupIdx =
(FillCycle = 7, noFillCnt = )
Running: /usr/local/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir /mnt/backuppc/backups
--bpc-host-name <ip-address> --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 0
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1
--bpc-bkup-inode0 1 --bpc-log-level 2 -e '/usr/bin/ssh -o
UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/id_rsa -l backupper' --rsync-path="sudo
/usr/bin/rsync" --super --recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids
--perms --owner --group -D --times --links --hard-links --delete
--partial --log-format="log: %o %i %B %8U,%8G %9l %f%L" --stats
--checksum --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys
--exclude=*.pem --exclude=id_rsa --exclude=.bash_history
--exclude=/var/logs --exclude=/usr/src --exclude=/opt/chef
<ip-address>:/ /
full backup started for directory /
Xfer PIDs are now 30878
This is the rsync child about to exec /usr/local/bin/rsync_bpc
rsync_bpc: Failed to exec /usr/bin/ssh -o
UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i
/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/id_rsa -l backupper: No such file or directory
Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0
filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 1 inode
rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at pipe.c(84) [Receiver=]
rsync_bpc: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0
filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 1 inode
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
io.c(629) [Receiver=]
rsync_bpc exited with fatal status 12 (3072) (rsync error: error in
rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(629) [Receiver=])
Xfer PIDs are now
Got fatal error during xfer (DumpPostUserCmd returned error status 3072)
Backup aborted (DumpPostUserCmd returned error status 3072)
BackupFailCleanup: nFilesTotal = 0, type = full, BackupCase = 1,
inPlace = 1, lastBkupNum =
Removing empty backup #0
BackupPC_backupDelete: removing #0
BackupPC_backupDelete: No prior backup for merge
BackupPC_backupDelete: got 0 errors
Running BackupPC_refCountUpdate -h <ip-address> -f on <ip-address>
xferPids 30885
BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host <ip-address> got 0 errors
BackupPC_refCountPrint: total errors: 0
Finished BackupPC_refCountUpdate (running time: 1 sec)
However, if we run the command manually (from the backuppc user) it starts
successfully (ie. files are being transferred from the client).
Also, whatâs weird is that the error log states the
DumpPostUserCmdreturned an error, while all pre- and post actions are
undef at the moment (see backuppc02 screenshot, they are also not defined
Here are some screenshots of the clientâs configuration:
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Any thoughts on what could be causing this?