[BackupPC-devel] Old backups mail warning
Mikhael Sayegh
2014-10-24 08:24:46 UTC
Hello backuppc developers,

Sorry in advance for english mistakes.

I made a modification on my running backuppc, and I would share it with
you to know if my modification is good and if you would add it to newer
version of backuppc.

In "BackupPC administrative attention needed" email I receive eache time
a backup fails, I would add the list of backups that are too old.
Users receive notification mail for long time without backup but not me,
so after searched for a solution in Backuppc configuration with no
success, I've modified the libs to get this working.

This file to get right list in web interface under "Failures that need
attention": (the limit to 4 days is my limit, I didn't find the good
variable to compare in each user conf)

< || $Status{$host}{reason} ne "Reason_no_ping") );
|| $Status{$host}{reason} ne "Reason_no_ping")
&& ($Status{$host}{reason} ne "Reason_no_ping"
|| (time -
$Status{$host}{lastGoodBackupTime}) / (24*3600) < 4));

The file to get right "BackupPC administrative attention needed" email:

|| ($Status{$host}{reason} eq "Reason_no_ping"
&& (time - $Status{$host}{lastGoodBackupTime}) /
(24*3600) < 4))

I'm using the BackupPC-3.2.1 packaged in Debian, but I've seen that no
modification about that was done in 3.3.0, so the diff here are for the
3.3.0 source files.

Mikhael Sayegh
