[BackupPC-devel] Scaling out and extending the uses for BackupPC
Johan Ehnberg
2017-03-20 06:27:25 UTC
Hi all,

For the last two years I have been looking at scaling out the backup
server end and making backup connections. And since over a decade, I've
created solutions for improving backup from behind firewalls and from
difficult client machines, while still keeping things mostly automated.
At my business, we are currently using BackupPC and UrBackup for
different use cases. However, one tool alone could fit the bill with
some improvements.

Inspired to a large extent by the changes brought by BackupPC version 4,
I baked the development ideas and observations from my work into an
article. In other words, a big thanks and congratulations goes to Craig
and all fellow contributors for reaching version 4!

The article can be found here:

I am eager to continue discussions on this topic here! I am also on the
UrBackup formus. Maybe some pieces of the proposal end up on a
development roadmap somewhere, in some form.

Best regards,
Johan Ehnberg
Johan Ehnberg

Molnix Oy

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