[BackupPC-devel] BackupPC_Timeline - backup timeline graphing add-on for BackupPC CGI (v3, v4)
Alexander Moisseev
2014-02-17 14:40:44 UTC
I have written backup timeline graphing add-on for BackupPC CGI. It works with BackupPC V3 and V4.

BackupPC_Timeline based on idea of backuppc-visualize tool by Carl Cravens, https://github.com/ravenx99/backuppc-visualize .

BackupPC_Timeline not require modification of existing CGI files and it has no dependencies.
To install it just untar BackupPC_Timeline-0.0.1.tar.gz and place files in to appropriate directories.
(For example if you use FHS layout, just untar tarball into /usr/local).

To use the Timeline point browser to BackupPC_Timeline script instead of BackupPC_Admin and click "Timeline" link in the navigation menu.

I'd be interested in feedback.

Alexander Moisseev
2014-02-19 11:15:17 UTC
Several bugs fixed in attached BackupPC_Timeline-0.0.2.tar.gz
- Add dereference to unshift for compatibility with Perl < 5.14
- Fix navigation menu entry duplication on Apache with mod_perl.
- Add http content type header to JSON
- Disable history dummy page http requests.

